FAQ + Q&A.

  • Our store is pronounced ‘Schultz Brothers’.
  • We will NEVER ask you to turn up your LOD settings for our content.
  • We only make 100% original content
  • Popular to contrary belief, we are a 1 man show. Not a team.
  • All Customer service is done by myself
  • Not accepting custom work at this time.

Q. What is your return / refund policy?

A. All our items are view-able in-world, we do not offer refunds.  View in-world before purchasing.

Q. Help! I’ve purchased something twice!

A: If you have double purchased an item on accident, send a NC to yogijo Resident in-world with any transaction information you have.

Q. Where can i sell my duplicates from your gacha machines?

A. Some events have “unofficial” resale yards, there are many resale yards in Second Life. One of my personal favorites: Gacha Emporium.

Q. How can i become a blogger for Schultz Bros.?

A. To apply, drop a NC with your blog info & Flickr page to ‘yogijo Resident’.

Q.  Where did you get the idea for your store name?

A: The name “Schultz Bros.” came from a role-play grocery store i ran in a 1930’s sim.  After opening my store, the name stuck, regardless of me being a one man show.